{{ ---------BEGIN ADD-ON SETTINGS AND CONTROLS----------- }}
{% assign: FAQ_Template_Type = 'Expandable' %} {{ Options: 'Expandable' or 'Anchor Links' }}
{% assign: Number_of_Questions = 9 %} {{ Options: 1 to 10 }}
{% assign: Show_Back_to_Top_Link = 'No' %} {{ Options: 'Yes' or 'No' }}
{% assign: Back_to_Top_Link_Text = "Back to Top" %}
{% assign: Anchor_Link_Style = 'Numbered' %} {{ Options: 'Bulleted' or 'Numbered' }}
{% assign: Question_Headings_Size = 18 %}
{% assign: Question_Headings_Case_Transform = 'uppercase' %} {{ Options: 'none', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'capitalize' }}
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{% assign: Tab_Rounded_Corners = 'Yes' %} {{ Options: 'Yes' or 'No' }}
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{% assign: Anchor_Link_Text_Color = '#666666' %}
{% assign: Question_Heading_Text_Color = '#000000' %}
{{ --QA SET 1 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Question_1_Heading = "What payment methods do you accept?" %}
{% capture Answer_1_Content %}All payments are processed via PayPal, one of the most trusted payment gateways in the world. Paypal uses the highest level of encryption and data security to ensure your details are protected. PayPal securely shares your order and delivery details with us, but does not share any of your sensitive payment information.{% endcapture %}
{{ --QA SET 2 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Question_2_Heading = "How much will I have to pay for shipping?" %}
{% capture Answer_2_Content %}Shipping costs are set at a flat rate.
Australian orders are shipped via registered Australian post and are typically delivered within 3-7 business days.
International orders are typically delivered within 2-5 weeks depending upon the destination and customs processing.
{% endcapture %}
{{ --QA SET 3 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Question_3_Heading = "How do I check the status of my order?" %}
{% capture Answer_3_Content %}You will receive an order confirmation once your order has been successfully processed.
In addition, a shipping confirmation e-mail will be sent once your order has been shipped.
This confirmation will include the tracking number for your package.
{% endcapture %}
{{ --QA SET 4 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Question_4_Heading = "What if I am not happy with my order?" %}
{% capture Answer_4_Content %}Customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us. Unused/unworn shirts can be returned within 14 days of delivery. Returns must include a copy of Board to Death’s delivery package slip. Returned items can be exchanged for another size, style or store credit. We do not offer refunds.
Get in contact with us, if you are unsatisfied!
{% endcapture %}
{{ --QA SET 5 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Question_5_Heading = "You don’t stock my size?" %}
{% capture Answer_5_Content %}We are working on getting more sizes of our shirts on stock. Please contact us, if your size is not available.{% endcapture %}
{{ --QA SET 6 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Question_6_Heading = "Do you have any stickers?" %}
{% capture Answer_6_Content %}We are in the process of designing a variety of stickers. {% endcapture %}
{{ --QA SET 7 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Question_7_Heading = "Are you guys sponsoring?" %}
{% capture Answer_7_Content %}We are happy to sponsor suitable individuals that represent our brand image. Feel free to email us your proposal, if you think you would be a good ambassador for Oceanic Critters.
We will try to get back to everyone, but due to the large number of requests, it might take a while for us to reply.
{% endcapture %}
{{ --QA SET 8 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Question_8_Heading = "I am interested in stocking Oceanic Critters Clothing in my store, where can I get some information?" %}
{% capture Answer_8_Content %}Feel free to send us a request via email: [email protected]{% endcapture %}
{{ --QA SET 9 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Question_9_Heading = "Can you do a shout out or repost my picture on Instagram?" %}
{% capture Answer_9_Content %}Tag us in your photos representing our brand (wearing our shirts, showing our stickers,…) and if it is an awesome photo, we will definitely repost it! Please accept that we will not repost every single picture though.{% endcapture %}
{{ --QA SET 10 SETTINGS-- }}
{% assign: Question_10_Heading = "" %}
{% capture Answer_10_Content %}{% endcapture %}
{{ ---------END ADD-ON SETTINGS AND CONTROLS----------- }}
{{ ---------BEGIN FAQ ADD-ON HTML TEMPLATE CODE---------- }}
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{{ Question_1_Heading }}
{{ Question_2_Heading }}
{{ Question_3_Heading }}
{{ Question_4_Heading }}
{{ Question_5_Heading }}
{{ Question_6_Heading }}
{{ Question_7_Heading }}
{{ Question_8_Heading }}
{{ Question_9_Heading }}
{{ Question_10_Heading }}
{% capture anchor_string %}{{ Question_1_Heading }}{% endcapture %}
- {{ Question_1_Heading }}
- {{ Question_2_Heading }}
- {{ Question_3_Heading }}
- {{ Question_4_Heading }}
- {{ Question_5_Heading }}
- {{ Question_6_Heading }}
- {{ Question_7_Heading }}
- {{ Question_8_Heading }}
- {{ Question_9_Heading }}
- {{ Question_10_Heading }}
{{ Question_1_Heading }}
{{ Question_2_Heading }}
{{ Question_3_Heading }}
{{ Question_4_Heading }}
{{ Question_5_Heading }}
{{ Question_6_Heading }}
{{ Question_7_Heading }}
{{ Question_8_Heading }}
{{ Question_9_Heading }}
{{ Question_10_Heading }}
{% if Show_Back_to_Top_Link contains 'es' %}▲ {{ Back_to_Top_Link_Text }}{% endif %}
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{{ ---------END FAQ ADD-ON CSS/JAVASCRIPT CODE---------- }}